Edge computing consists of the use of computing infrastructure in the edge of the data network. This infrastructure can be deployed through different network models, such as Wi-Fi or wired. However, 5G is expected to offer greater speeds and is more likely to be used in rural areas. Edge computing will be an increasingly critical component of IoT networks and will be crucial for the future of connected devices. In this article, we will explore the advantages of edge computing.
In contrast to traditional data center infrastructure, edge computing requires no central servers and enables a company to scale without incurring additional costs. A company can easily expand without installing large-scale infrastructure and can set up edge devices to serve customers without experiencing latency. Edge computing is also scalable and inexpensive, which is especially important for industries with limited connectivity. In addition to the above advantages, edge computing also makes it possible to reduce bandwidth and storage costs. For example, edge computing solutions can reduce the number of administrators and reduce costs of IT infrastructure.
Retailers can implement edge computing applications to improve inventory management and automate the ordering process by alerting store associates when shelf inventory levels are low. They can implement voice ordering to personalize the shopping experience by searching for a particular product, asking for information about a product, and placing orders online. In addition to retail stores, smart spaces like stadiums and cities are also prime candidates for edge computing. They can automate the distribution and management of kiosk-based applications, and ensure they work even if there is poor network connectivity.
In addition to smart homes, edge computing is becoming increasingly important in esports. Smart speakers, for example, would respond to your commands faster, lowering latency and security risks. With edge computing, smart homes would be more responsive to users, and they would save money by reducing backhaul costs and latency. Further, it would be possible to reduce the amount of power required to power smart devices. If we had a better edge computing infrastructure, smart speakers would be far more efficient and responsive than they are now.
Law enforcement and public infrastructure also benefit from edge computing. The ability to identify loiterers in public places and send an alert if trespassers do so, for example, will allow law enforcement to respond more quickly when someone is in danger. Dash cam footage from squad cars can be uploaded over dual LTE links, which will improve connectivity and ensure traffic gets to a central repository. The importance of edge computing cannot be overstated, and it is rapidly evolving.
Although edge computing reduces latency, it also increases attack vectors. The risk of compromise to edge servers and IoT devices increases. Edge computing is a critical component in campus networks. The next generation of students – dubbed ‘Generation AI’ – will be reliant on AI technologies in all aspects of their daily lives. Having 5G networks and mobile edge computing in the campus will be important to keep up with this trend.